- Kula-napo, Gibbs in Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, III, 431, 1853
(the name of one of the Clear Lake bands).
Mendocino (?), Latham in Trans. Philolog. Soc. Lond., 77, 1856
(name suggested for Choweshak, Batemdaikai, Kulanapo, Yukai,
Khwaklamayu languages). Latham, Opuscula, 343, 1860. Latham, El.
Comp. Phil., 410, 1863 (as above).
- Pomo, Powers in Overland Monthly, IX, 498, Dec., 1873
(general description of habitat and of family). Powers in Cont.
N.A. Eth., III, 146, 1877. Powell, ibid., 491 (vocabularies of
Gal-li-no-mé-ro, Yo-kai´-a, Ba-tem-da-kaii, Chau-i-shek, Yu-kai,
Ku-la-na-po, H´hana, Venaambakaiia, Ka´-bi-na-pek, Chwachamaju).
Gatschet in Mag. Am. Hist., 16, 1877 (gives habitat and
enumerates tribes of family). Gatschet in Beach, Ind. Misc.,
436, 1877. Keane, App. Stanford’s Comp. (Cent, and So. Am.),
476, 1878 (includes Castel Pomos, Ki, Cahto, Choam, Chadela,
Matomey Ki, Usal or Calamet, Shebalne Pomos, Gallinomeros,
Sanels, Socoas, Lamas, Comachos).
- Pomo, Bancroft, Nat. Races, III, 566, 1882 (includes Ukiah,
Gallinomero, Masallamagoon, Gualala, Matole, Kulanapo, Sanél,
Yonios, Choweshak, Batemdakaie, Chocuyem, Olamentke, Kainamare,
Chwachamaju. Of these, Chocuyem and Olamentke are Moquelumnan).
The name applied to this family was first employed by Gibbs in
1853, as above cited. He states that it is the “name of one of the
88 Clear Lake bands,” adding that “the language is spoken by all the
tribes occupying the large valley.” The distinctness of the language
is now generally admitted.
Geographic Distribution
The main territory of the Kulanapan family is bounded on the west by
the Pacific Ocean, on the east by the
Yukian and Copehan territories, on the north by the watershed of
the Russian River, and on the south by a line drawn from Bodega Head
to the southwest corner of the Yukian territory, near Santa Rosa,
Sonoma County, California. Several tribes of this family, viz, the
Pomo, Kai Pomo, and Kato Pomo, are located in the valley between
the South Fork of Eel River and the main river, and on the
headwaters of the South Fork, extending thence in a narrow strip to
the ocean. In this situation they were entirely cut off from the
main body by the intrusive Yuki tribes, and pressed upon from the
north by the warlike
Wailakki, who are said to have imposed their language and many
of their customs upon them and as well doubtless to have extensively
intermarried with them.
Balló Kaì Pomo, “Oat Valley People.”
Búldam Pomo (Rio Grande or Big River).
Choam Chadila Pomo (Capello).
Dápishul Pomo (Redwood Cañon).
Eastern People (Clear Lake about Lakeport).
Erío (mouth of Russian River).
Erússi (Fort Ross).
Gallinoméro (Russian River Valley below Cloverdale and in Dry Creek
Grualála (northwest corner of Sonoma County).
Kabinapek (western part of Clear Lake basin).
Kaimé (above Healdsburgh).
Kai Pomo (between Eel River and South Fork).
Kastel Pomo (between Eel River and South Fork).
Kato Pomo, “Lake People.”
Komácho (Anderson and Rancheria Valleys).
Kulá Kai Pomo (Sherwood Valley).
Láma (Russian River Valley).
Misálamagun or Musakakun (above Healdsburgh).
Mitoám Kai Pomo, “Wooded Valley People” (Little Lake).
Poam Pomo.
Senel (Russian River Valley).
Shódo Kaí Pomo (Coyote Valley).
Síako (Russian River Valley).
Sokóa (Russian River Valley).
Yokáya Pomo, “Lower Valley People” (Ukiah City).
Yusâl (or Kámalel) Pomo, “Ocean People” (on coast and along Yusal
Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico, 1891